Thursday 4 June 2015

Winnie The Pooh Through the Years 1965-Present

Ok another disney character! Winnie The Pooh!

1965-1992: Pot Head Pooh
Pot head pooh.. It was kinda creepy... Like creepy.. He had red eyes with black pupils and he had a big head with a pot ontop of him. The actors head is inside the honey pot and the only movements the actor could make was to open and close his mouth, swing his arms and move his legs. That was all the movements the actor could really make inside the costume. This Pooh was used until 1989, but Tokyo Disneyland used this Pooh until 1992.

1972-1974: Disney on Parade
This pooh featured only in the disney parade in 1972-1974. Its simular to the one we have at the park at the moment but the eyes and head are diffirent.

1983-1989: Teddy Ruxpin Pooh
This pooh was I think the first to be a animatroic mascot costume and is simular to the toy "Teddy Ruxpin". It was only used in tv shows and educational school films. His mouth moves and his eyes blink.

1989-2000: Cute Pooh
A long awaited update was finally done to Pooh. He has a more cuter look to the others versions.
He looses his big head and has a standard mascot looking head. He had a honey pot that he could carry around and the actor has alot more control over the character.

1999-Present: Skinny Pooh
This pooh is the pooh that they use in the parks today and it is much skinner and looks more like a cartoon character. He no longer has "Pooh" witten on his shirt and he doesn't carry a honey pot any more.

2004-Present: Stage Pooh
It is the same thing as the pooh above except that it blinks and open his mouth. This mascot costume is ONLY used in live shows not in meet and greets only in special advents.
If you would like to see the pooh in action here is a picture and video.

Avertisement for the stage show

This sums up yet another disney character review!
If you would like to see more of these please comment down below!

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