Thursday 4 June 2015

Pluto Through the Years 1955-Present

Lets do another Disney character.. Lets do pluto.

1955-1959: Ice Capades
The first pluto costume would awkwardly walk around the park and the costume needed 2 actors, one in the front and one in the back. This pluto costume had eyebrows.

1960-1977: The Common Pluto
This pluto is simular to the one we have today except that the mouth is closed and it has no collar like the new one has. This costume sometimes has eyebrows.
                                                               Pluto with eyebrows
1978-1993: Sugar Pluto
This Pluto is different that the one before it now has a open mouth bigger eyes, (Thats why its nicked named sugar pluto) and has a collar.
And the body is also different.

1978-2005: Modern Pluto
Simular to the other pluto except he has smaller eyes and some tiny different.
This pluto is the one they use at the parks today.

2005-Present: Short Tongue Pluto
Pluto's tongue was freely sticking out of his mouth, so around 2005 his tongue was cut short because children could pull on it and damage the costume and hurt the actor inside.

                                             This was plutos collar sold on ebay last year.

Fun Fact: Pluto is the only character out of the 8 not to have a moving mouth only blinking eyes.

This sums up pluto's costume review! Comment down below what i should do next.

Winnie The Pooh Through the Years 1965-Present

Ok another disney character! Winnie The Pooh!

1965-1992: Pot Head Pooh
Pot head pooh.. It was kinda creepy... Like creepy.. He had red eyes with black pupils and he had a big head with a pot ontop of him. The actors head is inside the honey pot and the only movements the actor could make was to open and close his mouth, swing his arms and move his legs. That was all the movements the actor could really make inside the costume. This Pooh was used until 1989, but Tokyo Disneyland used this Pooh until 1992.

1972-1974: Disney on Parade
This pooh featured only in the disney parade in 1972-1974. Its simular to the one we have at the park at the moment but the eyes and head are diffirent.

1983-1989: Teddy Ruxpin Pooh
This pooh was I think the first to be a animatroic mascot costume and is simular to the toy "Teddy Ruxpin". It was only used in tv shows and educational school films. His mouth moves and his eyes blink.

1989-2000: Cute Pooh
A long awaited update was finally done to Pooh. He has a more cuter look to the others versions.
He looses his big head and has a standard mascot looking head. He had a honey pot that he could carry around and the actor has alot more control over the character.

1999-Present: Skinny Pooh
This pooh is the pooh that they use in the parks today and it is much skinner and looks more like a cartoon character. He no longer has "Pooh" witten on his shirt and he doesn't carry a honey pot any more.

2004-Present: Stage Pooh
It is the same thing as the pooh above except that it blinks and open his mouth. This mascot costume is ONLY used in live shows not in meet and greets only in special advents.
If you would like to see the pooh in action here is a picture and video.

Avertisement for the stage show

This sums up yet another disney character review!
If you would like to see more of these please comment down below!

Mickey Mouse Through The Years 1955-Present

Im going to take it round to the Disney Corner and talk to you about lets see... Ah Mickey Mouse costumes through the years..

1955-1959: The Ice Capades
The Ice Capades were kind of akward because the actors had BIG view holes to see where they were going but the child could see the actor inside of the costume.
 1956-1959: The Ice Capades V.2
This costume is the same as version one except they don't have massive viewing holes so the child can't see the actor.

1959-1961: The Bobble-Heads
Disney is having its 5th birthday and decide to redesign the costume of Mickey Mouse.
The heads are very big compared to the body and i dont think i really like this kind of version of Mickey Mouse.

1960-1963: Big Head
These costumes are really awkward besides the first one because the actors head is inside the hat that is why they are always wearing something on their head. Lots of other characters got this kind of look and the bad part about it is that they can't do alot of movements the only movements they can do is to move the arms and legs.
They couldn't even hold anything with their hands. I don't really like this type of costume.

1962-1977: The Common Mickey
I like these types now, they are getting into the more modren mickey.
They made a mold for this mickey and the person that played mickey at the time was a bit short not as tall as they are now.
Mr. Disney wanted Mickey to have a consistent performer and he found a man named Paul Castle. Mr. Castle (1923-2010) was a professional figure skater and performed on the Disney Ice Capades (coincidence?). He was a short man, about 4' 6" tall. Walt hired Castle to be the main Mickey Mouse performer. When ever Walt went somewhere, he took Mickey and Paul was always the performer. Paul Castle performed as Mickey at Disneyland and other events for over 25 years.

                                           Mickey's uniform from this era, displayed at D23

1978-1992: The 80's Version
There isn't much to talk about here all that has changed was that they got a costume change not any body features..

1986: Winkin' Mickey
I was searching about and found an old disney advert and i found out they made a special mickey head for that ONE advert or more, he only blinks out of the only eye, which is the right eye.
Winking 80's Mickey footage, slowed down
 Thanks to Pupepepets for the footage!
2004-Present: Proper Mickey
They released the best mickey yet!
and this one is the one that is in the park right now!
The only thing that is diffirent is the head, the mold is diffirent.

2004-Present: Talking Mickey!
In 2004 they made a talking mickey mouse that can say things like: hi-ya pal, hot dog, cheese, bye, ect.
The proformer inside has wires on his figures to open and close the eyes and mouth and just a slight move can acivate it.
Mickey talks off of pre recored tracks.

2010-Present: Robo Mickey!
Yes thats right..
They made a mickey that can say your name and can really talk to you!
It works diffirently this time, there is a mic inside that transforms the actors voice into mickeys voice and when the actor talks the mouth moves!
So this means that if you have a hat or a dress mickey will say what a lovely hat or dress!
He would even say your name.
But there has been some jam ups like the mouth being broken while proforming and ect.

Here is a video showing the robo Mickey!

But this has been the Review of all of the costumes of Mickey Mouse at disney!

if you would like to see more "Disney" mascots please comment down below!

Teletubbies Behind The Scenes

Anyone remember the Teletubbies?
The show with the Green,Purple,Red and Yellow weird looking animals?

Yea well....
They are coming back to the big screen this year.
And im kinda looking forward to it, but not too much.

If you were to do alot of research, you could find old props or some "Rare" things from the show.
Some people went to the location to were they filmed the show and they saw the old windmill all broken up into bits, they tryed to fit it into their car to get the famous prop from the show but just couldn't.              

The show was filmed on a hill at a farm in Wimpstone, Warwickshire, between 1997 and 2001. 
And since then the owner flooded the teletubbie hill because he was sick of "Fans" dropping by to look at the famous hill were the teletubbies used to be filmed.

As you can see in the picture to the left
That is the hill blocked up and then flooded afterwards because the owner was again sick of people passing by to look at the set.

After 2001 when the show stopped the Teletubbies still did live appearances and the show kept airing on Cbeebies and the show is still as popular as it was when it first was out.

The Teletubbies are indeed a mega star hit for children and the show will return either this year or next year..

But of course some people take it too far and turn the Teletubbies into evil looking characters.
Although the Teletubbies dont talk, they still love them and i don't know what they love about them...

If you went on youtube and typed in "Teletubbies Behind The Scenes" you will get the actors inside the costumes revealed and in this picture down below are the actors that play each character!

Here is a picture of the location they filmed the show.

But this sums up the "Behind the scenes" of the Teletubbies.
Stay tuned for more Behind the scenes of characters!